The only truly interactive ghost hunting bear
Not the average bear! It’s a paranormal investigator like no other. BooBuddy is not just an EMF bear but an interactive investigator that asks smart questions and reacts to changes in the environment just like a real investigator would.
- BooBuddy Talks!
- Asking EVP Questions & Responding to Environment
- Detects changes in EMF, Motion, Temperature & Vibration
- Responds to those changes in a cute, friendly voice
- Comes in two colors
- Example Question for EVP: “Do you want to be my friend?”
- BooBuddy Movement: “Giggle. That Tickles.”
- Temperature Change: “Brr. It’s cold in here.”
- Almost 40 voice responses and questions.
BooBuddy is not a toy. BooBuddy is an investigator!
This bear investigates the paranormal with you promoting positive response as well as letting us know when the environment changes. Indeed, BooBuddy loves asking EVP questions. If the environment changes (EMF, temperature or motion) BooBuddy responds appropriately, to let you know that there may be a presence. Just sit BooBuddy down and turn it on to get to work and it will do the rest starting with baseline readings. For best results and documentation, set a recorder or cam by the bear to document any responses. Basically, BooBuddy just loves being on camera!
If you’re interested in what other’s have experienced, check out some BooBuddy reviews and other ghost hunting equipment reviews for an in depth look.
- Attractive, talking bear trigger object
- Detects EMF energy and responds with lights in the paws
- Detects motion, temperature and responds with a friendly voice
- Baseline readings start when you turn the unit on (first 30 seconds)
- Asks EVP questions on it’s own when the environment is quiet
- All electronics are hidden completely in the bear out of view
- Built, specifically, for Ghost Hunting by GhostStop ghost hunting equipment
Technical Specs
- Size: ~10″ tall (sitting)
- Battery: two AA batteries (not included)
- EMF detection lights up the arms when spikes arise in both arms: one arm signifies low/medium EMF change; two arms indicates a higher strength.
- Light in the belly indicates BooBuddy is ON
- BooBuddy’s backpack that holds the battery compartment with on/off switch
- Generally, BooBuddy is not meant to be a measurement device but rather usher for potential interaction. But if you’re interested in specs, here are a few:
- EMF threshold for change: TBD (still tweaking)
- Temp threshold for change: ~2 degrees
- Motion threshold for change: TBD (still tweaking)
- Estimated to run for over 20 hours on one set of batteries (based on current test of prototype but final product may vary)
Quick Start
- Find a stable place to sit BooBuddy down
- Turn BooBuddy on using the switch located on the battery pack in the backpack. BE CAREFUL! See directions below.
- Set BooBuddy down. BooBuddy will begin baseline readings for 30 seconds. Paws will blink during baseline process.
- BooBuddy will ask questions and respond to environmental changes.
- Firstly, to turn ON/OFF open the backpack using the zipper. Inside you will find the battery compartment. Pull back the backpack flap so you can see the battery compartment easily. But DO NOT pull the battery compartment out as this may harm the electronics. You will see a small on/off switch. Slide that switch to the ON position. Then a light in the belly will illuminate GREEN and you will hear a BEEP to indicate BooBuddy is ON.
- To charge the battery open the backpack using the zipper. Inside you will find the battery compartment. Pull back the backpack flap so you can see the battery compartment easily. DO NOT pull the battery compartment out as this may harm the electronics. Using a Micro USB cable (one is provided) plug the battery pack into a USB outlet. The charging LED on the top will turn red to indicate charging. When it turns green, the battery is charged. It takes just over 2 hours for a full charge from empty. For continuous use, you can keep the batter pack plugged into an outlet or mobile USB battery pack for extended with no battery drain.
- The first 30 seconds BooBuddy will conduct baseline environmental readings for electromagnetic energy (EMF), temperature, vibration and its own physical orientation. The paws will blink during this baseline process. For best results, find a suitable, stable location to set the bear down on in order to maintain a stable base throughout the session.
- The paws will light up when EMF changes are detected. One paw lit indicates a lower spike while both paws lit indicates a stronger spike in energy.
- BooBuddy will respond verbally to changes in motion, temp and physical orientation. So, listen for related responses. Overall, the responses are relatively suggestive of the change that happened.
- After each time BooBuddy speaks it will ALWAYS wait at least 10 seconds to allow for potential EVPs to be recorded and allow for proper time to do so. (older model window waited 40 seconds)
- If no environmental changes are encountered after 30 seconds, BooBuddy will ask a question or say something to promote a positive response.
- BooBuddy is not a toy. It is a sophisticated tool with sensitive electronics.
- For proper care, treat BooBuddy as you would any electronic instrument.
- Do not machine wash or expose to harsh environments.
List of Responses
Below is a list of the responses programmed into BooBuddy.
When temperature gets WARMER:
- Whew… it just got warm in here.
- Did you make it warmer in here?
- Perfect. Thanks for making it warmer!
- Did it get warmer in here?
When temperature gets COLDER:
- Brrrrr… it just got cold in here.
- Did you make it cold in here?
- Perfect. Thanks for making it cooler!
- Did it get colder in here?
When motion / vibration is detected:
- What was that? Could you please say it again?
- Hehe… that tickles.
- Aww. Thanks! I like holding hands with you.
- I like hugs.
- Hehe… BooBuddy is ticklish.
When no change in environment, these are the EVP questions:
- Hi, I’m BooBuddy. Whats your name?
- Do you want to play a game?
- Do you want to be my friend?
- How old are you?
- Can you make a noise for me?
- Can you touch my tummy?
- Do you know what time it is?
- Would you like to sing with me? Twinkle, Twinkle little star….
- Whats your favorite story?
- Do you have a favorite song?
- I like music. What music do you like?
- Count with me, 1… 2… 3… 4…
- Is this your house?
- Do you know your alphabet? A… B… C… D…
- I like good stories. Please tell me one.
- Do you want to hold my hand?
- What’s your favorite toy?
- Whats your favorite color?
- I like cuddles. can you give me a hug?
- Can you make it warmer for me?
- Can you make it colder for me?
- What color is the light in my tummy?
- Can you tell me a secret?
- Can you tell me what 2 plus 2 is?
- What? Did you just say something? Say it again.
- Do you like to play pretend?
- Can you finish this? (Knocking: ‘Shave and a Hair Cut’…)
- Do you have more friends we can play with?
- Do you have any brothers or sisters?
- I like cookies. What’s your favorite food?
- Do you know any jokes? I love jokes.

Good looks and high-tech tools.
Undoubtedly, kids and child-like entities will love it. However, this is NOT a toy. Some theories suggest that using a trigger object familiar and attractive to an entity may entice them to interact. BooBuddy does that and so much MORE! This cute trigger object, which some refer to as Boo Bear, has a ton of ghost hunting equipment all packed into one precision device.

Many tools all in one package.
Custom built by GhostStop just for paranormal investigations. This is NOT a typical EMF meter or Rem-Pod installed within a bear. It is a custom-designed product for investigators developed from years of investigation experience. BooBuddy came to life as a mature investigator.

The Past BooBuddy model is now called ‘BooBuddy Junior‘. The original model is now called BooBuddy Junior which is a ghost hunting trigger object that detects energy (EMF) changes with lights in the paws.
The ghost hunting and paranormal investigations field, some theories suggest that using an object familiar and attractive to an entity may entice them to interact. This is called a ‘trigger object’. BooBuddy is just that and more allowing us the ability to ‘see’ changes in the environment.
- BooBuddy is a cute, stuffed bear trigger object
- Detects EMF and responds with lights in the arms when spikes arise
- All electronics are completely hidden from view within the doll
- BooBuddy Junior does NOT talk (see above for the interactive talking version)
Technical Specs
- Size: 8″ tall (when sitting)
- Battery: one 9v (not included)
- EMF meter within the bear lights up the arms when spikes arise.
- Lights are in both arms. One arm lit signifies low/medium frequencies while two arms indicates a higher strength.
- Light in the belly indicates the EMF detection is ON
- BooBuddy wears a backpack that holds the battery compartment with on/off switch
- To turn ON/OFF open the backpack using the zipper. Inside you will find the battery compartment. Pull back the backpack flap so you can see the battery compartment easily. DO NOT pull the battery compartment out as this may harm the electronics. You will see a small on/off switch. Slide that switch to the designed position. The light in the belly of the doll will light to indicate the EMF detection is on.
- To change the battery open the backpack using the zipper. Inside you will find the battery compartment. Pull back the backpack flap so you can see the battery compartment easily. DO NOT pull the battery compartment out as this may harm the electronics. Slide back the battery cover and place in a new 9-volt battery in making sure the match up the positive and negative contacts.

Trigger Bear for ghost hunting.

Lights up for EMF spikes.

This version of BooBuddy Ghost Hunter LITE is the ‘light’ app version of the physical BooBuddy ghost hunting bear you can use on your phone. This app conducts EVP questions on its own by automatically speaking phrases and EVP questions to encourage a positive response from spirits or entities from beyond.
BooBuddy talks.
Surely you’re tired of asking the same EVP questions over and over again, right? Let BooBuddy do the EVP work for you. Certainly, you won’t always have access to your ghost hunting arsenal of gear. But you might have your phone. Regardless where you are, you can use this app to run your sessions. Basically, you can have BooBuddy with you wherever you are. In order to document evidence, set a recorder down next to your device. Coupled with an EVP recorder, this app can be a powerful tool in recording compelling responses as evidence. What evidence will BooBuddy help you get?
You pick what BooBuddy says or let it work automatically.
Select any of the built-in phrases to have the app say a phrase or ask a specific question. As a result, you control what BooBuddy says with 22 verbal queues you can play. Just press a phrase butt to play the one you want and listen out for any spirit responses.
Otherwise, you can let BooBuddy decide with the Auto-Play feature. For extended use just touch Auto-Play put BooBuddy to work on it’s own non-stop. Firstly, BooBuddy will first introduce itself with, “Hi. I’m BooBuddy. What’s your name?” Then, it will pause and go right into asking questions in an attempt to generate a conversation with a pause in between each.
Example phrases:
- “Do you want to be my friend?”
- “Do you want to sing with me? Twinkle, Twinkle little star…”
- “I like music. What music do you like?”
- “Can you make a noise for me?”
This app is only available for iPhone via the Apple App Store.